Monday, October 31, 2011

My First Individual Assignment at Hult

Analyzing a website is not an easy task. But we, the MDM students at Hult have to each pick and analyze the website of a brand listed in the Interbrands list of the top 100 brands of 2011. When we were given the project, I presumed it was very easy; but I guess I was not thinking of it from a marketeers POV.

At first, I was very confused! But then I picked the one I thought would be interesting to do - Nescafé. One of the reasons for picking the site was that I wanted to know what a coffee brand could and would do with their website.

Although there are a million things you can suggest, implementation is not always as simple! I am sure they wanted to do a lot with the site, and will probably do so, step-by-step.

Most people would wonder why Nescafé? The answer lies in the fact that after looking through a number of websites, I could not bring myself to understand how and why Nescafé was 30 on the list! The brand was popular, but that popular that Interbrands ranked it in the top 50 was a bit of a surprise.

For the past 2 weeks I have been trying to analyze the website. While this may seem like a cakewalk, it is not quite so! Analyzing anything takes time. A website is no different. There are several theories that can be applied and various results that you get out of it.

But if there is one thing that I did understand during this time, it is the fact that there is a lot of scope for improvement on the site! Maybe someday I can make these suggestions directly to Nescafé!

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