Sunday, September 14, 2014

Help Needed for Kashmir Flood Victims

I am sure we all are aware of the tragedy people of Jammu and Kashmir is going through. I humbly request you to please join hands with my friend, Inayat, in giving whatever little support we can in making some difference. 

Inayat is trying to work closely with Jammu and Kashmir house under the able guidance of Ms. Nayeema Ahmad Mahjoor. 

Following is the list of items required by them (last updated on 13th September Morning)

Drugs in short supply:
Anti Cold Medications
Paediatric Ofloxin OZ
Sinarest Pd Syp
Xcold Plus Tab
Co Amoxyclave (In Bulk)
Arythromycin Tab
Tab Roxythromycin
Sphexum Tab
Losar Tan Tab
Losar Tan H Tab
Metoprol 50 Mg
Ciopatab (Clopitab Grel)
Phenly / Disinfectants
Baby Food
Masks (In Bulk)
Detol Soap Hand Wash 
Clorhehidin Mouth Wash Small Bottles
Ointmnet Silverex
Inj Diazepam

Medicine list for children
Syp Norflox Oz 2.5ml
Syp Xpct P D 2.5 Ml
Syp Paracetmol125 5 Ml
Syp Augmentin Duos 5 Ml
Syp Donitel 2.5 Ml
Ointment Herpex
Tab Citrizine
Candid Powder

The above list was specially given by them. Request you to please make as much contribution as possible in that segment.  

In addition we are also looking for some support both monetary and in kind. 

Support in kind:

People in the valley are running short of food supplies. Help is pouring from all over India but it is still not adequate enough to cater to the needs of the people. There was a video clip shown where a girl child had no water to drink for three long days !!!

General List of such items:

Mineral Water Bottles
Wheat Flour
Baby Food
Milk Powder
Any type of dry food
If you want to donate any item or items mentioned above then please let me know. 

If you are in Delhi:

Then please call Inayat (number mentioned below) or comment on this post.  I can coordinate with you. 

If you are from any other part of India:

There are various centers which he has tied up with. Please call him or comment on this post. I can organize things accordingly. 

Monetary Support:

In case you want to send in your help in terms of cash then you can do so by sending a crossed cheque in the name of "Umeed Trust". Umeed Trust is an NGO which is working on providing relief to people in on ground zero. The cheques can be dropped to any nearest Jammu and Kashmir Bank. A/C Type: Current Deposit A/C Number: 166. If required you can coordinate with Inayat and he can have the cheques picked up. 

In case you want to make an online transfer bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Umeed Trust
Bank: Jammu & Kashmir Bank
Account Type: Current Deposit
Account Number: 1112010100000166

If you are making a monetary contribution please do let Inayat know so that he can inform the authorities about it.

Inayat Ullah Khan
Phone: +91-9999679100
Twitter: @inayatukhan
Skype: iullahkhan

Monday, September 1, 2014

Perception... Worth a Read

I got this message on Whatsapp; found it interesting so thought of keeping it... And sharing it...

Grand Conversation between twins inside the
Baby 1: And you, you believe in life after
Baby 2: Absolutely. It’s obvious that life after
birth exist. We are here to become stronger
and to get ready for Whatever awaits us next.
Baby 1: This is absurd. There is nothing after
birth! What would life look like outside the
Baby 2: Well, there are many stories about the
other side. I’ve heard there is a blaze of light
there, an intense and profound feeling of joy
with deep emotions, thousands of things to
live for… For example, I’ve heard that we’ll
eat with our mouth, there.
Baby 1: That's silly. We have an umbilical cord
and that is how we eat. Everyone knows that
we don’t use our mouth to eat! And, on the
top of it, no one has ever come back from the
other world… Those stories are all coming
from naïve people. Life just ends at birth.
Period. That’s the way it is and we must
accept it.
Baby 2: Alright, then allow me to think
differently. That's for sure, I have no idea
what life after birth looks like, and I can’t
prove anything to you. But I like to believe,
that in the next world, we’ll be able to see our
mother and that she will take care of us.
Baby 1: “Mother”? You mean that you believe
in ‘Mother’? Oh! So where is she?
Baby 2: Everywhere, don’t you see it! She is
everywhere, all around us. We are part of her
and it's thanks to her that we are living right
now. Without her, we wouldn’t be here.
Baby 1: This is ridiculous! I’ve never seen any
mother so it’s obvious that she doesn’t exist.
Baby 2: I don’t agree, that’s your way of
seeing things. Because sometimes when
everything quiets down a little bit, we can hear
her sing. We can feel her hugging our world.
I’m pretty sure that our life will start after
Read it a second time by changing some

Change the word
you will find a mystery unveiling...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Will Hike catch up to Whatsapp?

So a few days ago, my status on Facebook said don't invite me to new messengers... Why you ask? Well, I have Whatsapp, Gtalk, Facebook, Skype and even Twitter. Then of course there's good old SMS. So why would I want another app? Just because it claims to have some innovative features?!

The whole idea of people have so many messaging platforms seemed bizzare. Although I must admit; the idea of being able to choose who sees my status updates and who sees my 'last seen' was tempting. Then of course. The idea of having hidden chats - there are some close friends we all have. And chats with them are personal - very personal!

Anyways. Today, I finally gave in to temptation and decided to download Hike. Just to try it out and just to see if I by any chance like it more than Whatsapp. So far: Yes. I do. I do indeed.

I'm loving the whole themes idea as well as the stickers. The hidden chats is an amazing feature, but I'll need more people on Hike to be able to actually use it!!

The only problem now - I'm on Hike - but my friends aren't!! Sure, they MAY join - eventually. But untill then its plain vanilla Whatsapp. Vanilla because after using Hike for even a while, it seems like that!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Me and Football Fever?

The FIFA world cup is on and everyone around - whether they understand football or not, is going to be up at night watching the match!! If you know me... You would have guessed - I'm one of them!

I've never been a big football fan - but I do enjoy watching the game! Especially because I have such fond memories of various world cups. I used to watch these matches with my dad while growing up. At that time, I would ask him the stupidest questions! I just wanted to see them score goals - didn't matter who scored!

So some people reading this might wonder which planet I hail from. I have actually always had friends who were cricket fans, nobody spoke of any other sports. My dad was the only one who watched other stuff.

It all depends on the people around you. If you have football crazy friends you will have fun when watching the matches - even if you understand zilch. Then of course, you will also have nostalgia set in when you catch repeats.

Till I went to London, I didn't hear my friends talk of any other sports etc - cricket or at the most football. Then I understood F1, tennis, a tad bit of rugby, a bit of rowing. When I came back, I somehow thought it was all going to go back to before - apart from home, I won't have many people who like other sports. But my apprehensions were put to rest when I came to Mumbai and realised that my new friends here follow all the sports equally! Games can be great fun if you have fun people to watch it with!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MIA on Blogger

So it's been a while since I blogged... There was a time when I managed 3-4 blogs... And all of them were active!!! So what changed?

I don't have a laptop any more... Ever since I upgraded my phone.. I sort of stopped using my laptop!! I browse sites on my phone, have apps for nearly everything - including my groceries, and most importantly, i have social media at my finger tips.

So that still doesn't answer why I stopped blogging?! I mean there is a blogger app... And truth be told, that where this post is being typed!

Fact is, if u don't have a laptop, but have a phone with a 16GB card, you could easily blog!! Otherwise... If like me you're stuck on a 2GB card, yoy just might miss a few apps!

For anyone reading this... It all really boils down to just 1 thing... Do you want to write a blog post! If you do, there are tons of ways to do it... But sometimes... Its just our 'mood' that decides - in my case at least.